Sheryl Burpee Dluginski
Writer / Trainer

Take Adventures Outside the City With All-Inclusive Trips
These companies can help you go hiking or whitewater rafting by handling all the logistics.
Find the Right High Intensity Interval Training Class
From honing beach bodies to improving athletic performance, there's an HIIT workout for everyone.
Streamlining Your Yoga Practice Toward Your Goals
How to build a solid NYC yoga practice that meets any objective.
How to Reboot Your Energy for Spring
We have tips on how to find reputable practitioners of acupuncture, Reiki and more.
How to Make Proper Breathing a Healthy Habit for 2014
We have tips on how to make the most of every breath you take.
How to Make Meditation a Healthy Habit for 2014
With practice, the ability to maintain a relaxed, alert focus translates into greater ease in your life.
Add a Mini-Workout Every Day as Part of 12 Healthy Habits
Here's how to squeeze daily mini-workouts into your busy routine.
12 Healthy Habits to Start the New Year
Make 2014 your healthiest, happiest year yet by adding a new healthy habit each month.
The Real Story Behind the Exercise You Love to Hate: the Burpee
Fitness expert Sheryl Dluginski shares her close-to-home tale of the infamous workout move, the Burpee.
Finding Balance Between Stretching and Strength
How much flexibility do we really need and what's the best way to get it? Three experts weigh in.
Adventures in the Anti-Hamptons for Active New Yorkers
The best kept New York summer secret is out. Here are three exercise expeditions on the North Fork.
Yoga-Inspired Forms of Meditation Help You Center and Relax
Yoga can be a moving meditation when it's done mindfully.
Hot on Yoga's Heels, Meditation Meets the Mainstream
The ancient art of meditation is gaining traction. Here's part one of a series on popular methods.
The Best Core Workout to Protect Your Spine
Exercises that connect, correct and protect your spine can ease back pain and improve posture.
A Core Workout for Abs of Steel: Training your Transversus
There's more to getting abs of steel than meets the eye.
Fight Club Yoga, Dog-Yoga and Other Asanas Less Traveled
If you're a yoga fan but have grown tired of the standard poses, Sheryl Dluginski has a few fresh moves.
Inverted Yoga Turns Traditional Asanas on Their Head
From anti-gravity yoga to AcroYoga, inverted yoga is turning traditional asanas on their head.