Sheryl Burpee Dluginski
Writer / Trainer

Who is Creating Health Media?
Sheryl Burpee Dluginski has been a writer since childhood and a practitioner of a wide variety of mind-body fitness and healing modalities since her teens.
Through the years, Sheryl has earned dozens of certifications, including Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist, yoga instructor, Pilates instructor, and Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, in addition to completing countless programs on an array of holistic health practices.
Sheryl holds a Masters Degree in Journalism and a Certificate in Science Reporting from New York University. Her work has been published in Memoir Magazine and other outlets. She was a regular Fitness Insider columnist for New York. Sheryl is currently revising a dual narrative memoir that braids her father’s recorded words with her own memories and reflections about their troubled relationship. Sheryl has been interviewed for local and national television shows and news outlets about child sexual abuse and the laws and policies that affect both victims and perpetrators.
As a granddaughter of Dr. Royal H. Burpee, creator of the popular high-intensity movement, the Burpee, she carries on the family tradition of promoting exercise for physical, mental, and emotional health while safeguarding his academic legacy.